
7 Lesser-Known Command Line Tools That Ship with Python

Apr 10, 2023

Like most people, I mostly interact with Python using the default REPL or with IPython. Yet, I often reach for one of the Python tools that come with the standard library. All these tools are implemented as “mains” in the various scripts and modules. Here are 7 I use on a semi-regular basis. 1. &…

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ChatGPT on Software Engineering

Mar 7, 2023

Recently, I’ve been working on a new course offering in Enthought Academy titled Software Engineering for Scientists and Engineers course. I’ve focused on distilling the software engineering best practices that we use at Enthought with our clients, with the twist of “what parts are most useful for a scientist who writes software for R&D?” After…

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Enthought | Scientific Data

Extracting Value from Scientific Data to Accelerate Discovery and Innovation

Feb 1, 2023

In the digital era, robust data tools are crucial for all companies and the science-driven industries like the life sciences, materials science, and chemistry are no exception.

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What’s in a __name__?

Feb 7, 2023

if __name__ == “__main__”: When I was new to Python, I ran into a mysterious block of code that looked something like: def main():     # do some stuff if __name__ == “__main__”:     main() Looking at the code, I could see that it ran the main() function after checking the status of…

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Retuning the Heavens: Machine Learning and Ancient Astronomy

Nov 1, 2022

What can we learn about machine learning from ancient astronomy? When thinking about Machine Learning it is easy to be model-centric and get caught up in the details of getting a new model up and running: preparing a dataset for machine learning, partitioning the training and test data, engineering features, selecting features, finding an appropriate…

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Extracting Target Labels from Deep Learning Classification Models

Sep 5, 2022

In the blog post Configuring a Neural Network Output Layer we highlighted how to correctly set up an output layer for deep learning models. Here, we discuss how to make sense of what a neural network actually returns from the output layers. If you are like me, you may have been surprised when you first…

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Enthought Inc. | Python Skills Training

Exploring Python Objects

Aug 1, 2022

Introduction When we teach our foundational Python class, one of the things we do is make sure that our students know how to explore Python from the command line. This has several advantages. First, it reduces context switching – to figure out new stuff, students don’t constantly have to toggle between writing Python code and…

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Choosing the Right Number of Clusters

Jul 4, 2022

Introduction When I first started my machine learning journey, K-means clustering was one of the first algorithms I was introduced to – and it is still one of my favorites to this day. I was amazed at how elegant yet comprehensible the procedure was. There is something oddly satisfying about watching the cluster assignments and…

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Prospecting for Data on the Web

May 31, 2022

Introduction At Enthought we teach a lot of scientists and engineers about using Python and the ecosystem of scientific Python packages for processing, analyzing, and visualizing data. Most of what we teach involves nice, clean data sets–collections of data that have been carefully collected, scrubbed, and prepared for analysis. While we also mention in passing…

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Enthought | Configuring a Neural Network

Configuring a Neural Network Output Layer

May 18, 2023

Introduction If you have used TensorFlow before, you know how easy it is to create a simple neural network model using the Keras API. Just create an instance of the Sequential model class, add the number of desired layers and accompanying layer nodes, define the activation functions to be used by each layer, and compile…

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